
肽类激素兴奋剂对人体的危害 被引量:3

Damage of peptide hormone doping to human body
摘要 兴奋剂是国际体育组织规定的禁用药物和方法的总称,可分为蛋白同化制剂、肽类激素、β2受体激动剂、利尿剂、麻醉剂等不同种类。肽类激素是一类较新的兴奋剂,包括促红细胞生成素、生长激素及胰岛素样生长因子-1、促性腺激素、胰岛素、促皮质激素5大类。肽类激素属于人体内源性物质,很难被检测到,但滥用误用会对人体健康造成损害,如促红细胞生成素可引起过敏反应,生长激素可造成肢端肥大症,胰岛素样生长因子-1可引起急性低磷血症,促性腺激素可造成男性性早熟,胰岛素可造成视物模糊,促皮质激素可造成女性闭经等。 Doping is a generic name of prohibited drugs and methods defined by the International Sport Organization. Doping includes anabolic agents, peptide hormones, β2 receptor agonists, diuretics, narcotics, etc. Peptide hormone is a newer kind of doping, which includes five types : erythropoietin ( EPO ) , human growth hormone (hGH) , insulin-like growth factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) , gonadotrophins, insulin, and corticotrophins. Peptide hormones are endogenous substances of human body, so it is difficult to detect them. However, abuse and misuse of peptide hormone is harmful to human health. For example, EPO may cause anaphylaxis, hGH may cause acromegaly, IGF-1 may cause acute hypophosphatemia, gonadotrophins may cause precocious puberty in male, insulin may cause blurred vision, corticotrophins may cause amenorrhea in female, etc.
作者 王梦然 张健
出处 《药物不良反应杂志》 2008年第2期123-127,共5页 Adverse Drug Reactions Journal
关键词 肽类激素 兴奋剂 危害 peptide hormone doping daniage
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