A monolithic single pole single throw (SPST) switch is developed with GaAs PIN diode technology from IMECAS. A novel small signal model of a GaAs PIN diode is developed for circuit simulation. The switch features an on-state insertion loss of less than 1.6dB and a return loss of greater than 10dB while maintaining an off-state isolation of greater than 23dB from 5.5 to 7. 5GHz. The measured 1dB power gain compression point is about 20dBm.
基于中国科学院微电子研究所的GaAs PIN二极管工艺,研究了一种单片单刀单掷开关.为了仿真该单片单刀单掷开关,研制开发了GaAs PIN二极管的小信号模型.在5.5~7.5GHz的频段内,开关正向导通时的插入损耗低于1.6dB,回波损耗大于10dB,开关关断状态的隔离度大于23dB.