3月底,日内瓦大剧院在观众稀少的剧场里上演不受欢迎的珍品之作,真是勇气可嘉。这部作品就是捷克作家斯伐托普鲁克·捷赫(Svotopluk Cech)编剧、莱奥什·雅纳切克(Leos Jandcek)谱曲的歌剧《布鲁切克先生的旅行》。
The Excursions of Mr. Broucek of Leos Janacek (1854-1928), scripted by the Czech writer Svatophlk Cech, was presented, at the Geneve Grand Theatre in March. This work is among the most difficult operas written by Janacek, and the Geneve performances marked the opera s Swiss premiere. Yannis Kokkos, who did the staging, sets and costumes, created superbly atmospheric sets, all sumptuously lit by Patrice Trottier and enhanced by Eric Duranteat, s sophisticated video work.