Presidential changes in Russia and the U.S.may open new opportunities for improving increasingly important bilateral relations,but expectations are not high.With the elapse of the so-called Putin autocracy and the Bush unilateralism,U.S.-Russian relations are overshadowed by a new'Cold Word War,'if not a Cold War.The U.S.will continue to accuse Russia of running an autocracy in order to justify its own invasive foreign conduct and gain the moral high-ground.The two powers will be involved in a bitter struggle,alternating between offensives and defensives, containment and cooperation.
Presidential changes in Russia and the U.S. may open new opportunities for improving increasingly important bilateral relations, but expectations are not high. With the elapse of the so-called Putin autocracy and the Bush unilateralism, U.S.-Russian relations are overshadowed by a new "Cold Word War," if not a Cold War. The U.S. will continue to accuse Russia of running an autocracy in order to justify its own invasive foreign conduct and gain the moral high-ground. The two powers will be involved in a bitter struggle, alternating between offensives and defensives, containment and cooperation.