
创业能力的概念发展及实证检验 被引量:46

An Empirical Study on Construct Development of Entrepreneurial Competence
摘要 创业能力在创业过程中起到至关重要的作用。本文重新构建创业能力概念的维度。创业能力是一个二阶六维度的概念,即机会识别与开发能力、运营管理能力为一阶维度,机会识别能力、机会开发能力、组织管理能力、战略能力、关系能力和承诺能力为二阶维度,实证验证了创业能力概念的信度和效度。 Entrepreneurial competence plays a key role in the entrepreneurial process. After reviewed literatures, and empirical studied, we constructed a framework of entrepreneurial competence. Entrepreneurial competence is a two-order and six dimensional concept model, whose first-order dimensions include opportunity competence with two second-order dimension, opportunity recognition competence and opportunity developing competence, and operation management competence with four second-order dimension, organizing competence, strategic management, relation management, and commitment competence. Our empirical studies verified the validity and reliability of this concept.
作者 唐靖 姜彦福
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期51-55,共5页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于中国实践的新创企业战略选择理论研究"(70572003)。
关键词 创业能力 机会能力 运营管理能力 实证检验 entrepreneurial competence opportunity competence operation management competence empirical study
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