
中国-日本濒危种子植物对比研究 被引量:5

A comparative study on endangered seed plant species between China and Japan
摘要 IUCN为全球濒危野生动植物所设立的等级和评价标准已被多个国家采用,也是国家和地区间进行濒危植物对比研究的基础。作者结合植物地理分布,根据中、日物种红色名录,对比分析两国野生种子植物的濒危程度和区系组成。研究发现:(1)中国红色名录中濒危植物的种类占其所有野生种子植物的比例显著低于日本,但裸子植物的濒危程度却极其显著地高于日本;(2)部分水生植物科未列入中国红色名录,但在日本已受到严重威胁;(3)中国红色名录中出现的世界分布属显著少于日本;(4)两国濒危植物中有大量共有种、姊妹种或近缘种。最后作者建议:(1)对水生植物的濒危状况展开全面调查;(2)加强对中日共有植物成分的研究;(3)借鉴日本经验,在中国开展植物群落水平上的调查,对红色名录进行补充。 Categories and criteria established by the IUCN for globally endangered species have been used by many countries for conservation decision making. Based on geographical distributions and the Red List of China and Red List of Japan, we compared the current status of threatened plants and the floristic composition of the two countries. We highlight our results as follows: (1) the proportion of wild seed plants found on the Red List to total seed plant species was lower in China than in Japan, but the degree of threat for gymnosperms was higher in China than in Japan; (2) several hydrophyte families were not listed on the Red List of China, but have been severely threatened in Japan; (3) the number of cosmopolitan genera endangered in China was fewer than in Japan; and (4) among species threatened in both China and Japan, there was a large proportion of common species, sister species, and closely related species. Finally, we suggest that: (1) a comprehensive evaluation of the status of hydrophytes in China; (2) an increased effort to study species common to China and Japan; and (3) following the example of Japan, a thorough investigation should be conducted at the plant community level in China to complement the RedList.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期255-262,共8页 Biodiversity Science
关键词 红色名录 植物区系 中日对比 保护对策 种子植物 Red List, flora, China-Japan comparison, conservation strategy, seed plants
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