

摘要 当人们寻求别人评价时,会受到自我验证和自我提高动机两大动机的影响,而文化因素却影响了这两种动机的强弱表现。本研究探讨了在中国文化背景下这两种动机的表现,结果发现,我国大学生被试在寻求别人评价时,同时都表现出强的自我提高和自我验证动机。 when we select other people' s evaluations to us, we are affected by two self motives: self-verification and self-enhancement, which are mediated by culture. The research is to investigate whether people in Chinese collective culture are both affected by the two motives. The answer is yes.
作者 辜美惜
机构地区 韩山师范学院
出处 《社会心理科学》 2008年第2期54-56,共3页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 自我验证 自我提高 文化 self-verification self-enhancement culture
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