以甲烷为碳源,双金属纳米颗粒Fe/Ru(1:1)、Fe/Ru(1:1)、Ru/Fe(1:1)为催化剂,在含有加厚氧化层的硅基底上,于875-950℃制备纳米碳管,并用原子力显微镜(atomic force micmscopr——AFM)和拉曼光谱进行表征,发现随着反应温度的降低,3种催化剂的催化效果具有明显的不同程度的降低,最佳反应温度为925℃;所制备的纳米碳管都是单壁的,并且高度都约是1.25nm;对催化剂进行预处理(925℃,1min)后,其催化效果会有显著的提高,这对实现碳纳米管的定点生长具有重要的意义。
The synthesis of carbon nanotubes using Fe/Ru( 1:1 ), Fe@ Ru( 1:1 ), Ru@ Fe( 1:1 ) bimetallic nanoparticles as catalysts via the catalytic decomposition of CH4 was reported. Atomic force microscope (AFM) and Raman spectra were used to characterize the products. The experimental results indicated that the carbon nanotubes were mainly single - walled. The structure of catalyst had significant influence on the growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon substrate. With the temperature varied from 925℃ to 875℃, all of the catalytic activity of the three catalysts had dropped. The optimal temperature of reaction was 925℃. The pretreatment of catalysts could affect the yield of carbon nanotubes. The yield of cabon nanotubes obtained with catalysts calcined at 925℃ for lmin in air was higher than cat- alysts calcined at 600℃ for 30 min in air.
Chemical Industry Times