
组织政治行为对组织沉默的影响实证研究 被引量:9

The Empirical Research of Organizational Politics' impact on Organizational Silence
摘要 组织政治行为与组织沉默是当今组织行为研究领域两大热点问题。本文从实证的角度出发,将这两个问题整合起来进行研究。首先在验证了组织政治行为对组织沉默的影响的基础上,经相关分析从员工、组织成员关系、组织体制和组织文化四个层面得出五个主要中介变量,并利用温忠麟的中介效应检验程序验证了这些中介变量的中介效应。然后在研究这些中介变量内部相关关系的基础上,提出了组织政治行为对组织沉默的影响模型。最后,利用双因素方差分析研究了内外源控制和自我监控对组织政治行为通过员工层面影响组织沉默的过程的影响。 Organizational Politics and Organizational Silence are two of the most promising topics in the field of organization behavior. In this paper, we study the relationship from the version of empirical research. After verifying the influence of the Organizational Politics to Organizational Silence, we obtain five important intermediate variables from the four perspectives of staff. Relationship between organizational members, organizational structure and organizational culture, whose Intermediate effect are tested by Wen Zhong Lin' s Testing procedures of Intermediate effect. Based on the correlation been the five intermediate variables, we finally post the model of the influence of the Organizational Politics to Organizational Silence. We also study how the locus of control and self-monitors effect the course of the influence of the Organizational Politics to Organizational Silence by the Two-factor analysis of variance.
作者 刘智强 荆波
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 2008年第3期36-42,共7页 Forecasting
基金 湖北省科技厅科技攻关资助项目(2007AA401C26) 华中科技大学人文社科青年基金重点资助项目(2006010)
关键词 组织政治行为 组织沉默 中介效应 :organizational politics organizational silence intermediate effect
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