
联合国环境大会之绩效评估——兼论后约翰内斯堡时代的环境治理 被引量:1

UN Environmental Mega-conferences and Global Environmental Governance——Implications to Post-Johannesburg Environmental Governance
摘要 从"产出"的角度对三次联合国环境大会在全球环境治理进程中的绩效进行评估,认为尽管2002年联合国可持续发展峰会得分最低,但这反应了后约翰内斯堡时代的全球环境治理面临着国际协议落实困难、某些国家政治意愿缺失以及国际社会"绿色疲惫"等状况。 This paper evaluates the performance of three UN mega-conferences from the perspective of out- put and concludes that WSSD in 2002 ranked the lowest. But this reflects the dilemma of international environmental governance in post-Johannesburg era. the difficulty of implementation of international agreements, the loss of political will from some countries and the green fatigue in international society.
作者 孙凯
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第3期24-27,共4页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国海洋大学文科发展基金项目(H05YB02)
关键词 人类环境会议 环境与发展大会 可持续发展峰会 Conference on Human Environment UN Conference on Environment and Development World Summit on Sustainable Development
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