
基于支撑函数的概念格属性约简 被引量:3

Improvement of Attributes Reduction of Concept Lattices
摘要 依据概念格中一个概念的内涵属性相对于另一个概念的内涵的不同关系,提出了区分属性概念,并研究了其性质;利用区分属性构造出概念格支撑函数。提出并证明了以支撑函数为基础的形式背景属性约简定理,改进了文献[7]中基于辨识函数的属性约简方法。 There are two kinds of relations between the connotation attributes of concepts and the connotation of another concept in concept lattices. Based on them, the concept of distinguishable attributes is presented, and its properties are studied. At the same time, the supporting function is constructed with distinguishable attributes, and the theorem, which is about attributes reduction of formal contexts, is presented and proved based on supporting functions. The method of attributes reduction in the literature [7] is improved.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期169-171,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家“863”高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2005AA147050)
关键词 形式背景 概念格 区分属性 支撑函数 属性约简 Formal context, Concept lattice, Distinguishable attribute, Supporting function, Attributes reduction
  • 相关文献


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