

Design and Realization of AFDB
摘要 主动模糊数据库系统(AFDBS),是由规则库(FEB)及相应的模糊事件监视器(FEM)、触发器评价器(TJ)、事件处理器(EP)组成。其中模糊规则库(FEB)由系统或用户定义的各种模糊事件驱动的模糊规则(模糊ECA)组成。论述了主动模糊数据库的组成及相关理论,着重点为模糊ECA规则的执行,包括执行模式、执行方式、规则冲突解决。给出了设计实例,设计实例主要实现主动模糊数据库中模糊数据的定义、存储、录入以及模糊数据库的主动响应。 Active Fuzzy Database System (AFDBS), is composed of fuzzy database (FDBS), fuzzy rules lbrary (FEB), fuzzy event monitors (FEM), trigger i udge(TJ) and event processor(EP). The FEB consists of the fuzzy event-driven rules. Deals with the AFDB composition, theory, focuses on the implementation of fuzzy ECA rules, including rules model, the implementation modalities, rules of conflict resolution. Based on the principle of active fuzzy database, designs and realizes AFDB, focuses on the definition of fuzzy data, how to input and store it, fuzzy incident and the fuzzy rules, how to realize its active feature.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期294-297,共4页 Computer Science
基金 地理空间信息工程国家测绘局重点实验室经费资助项目(B2623) 山东省水利科技专项资金(200357)
关键词 模糊ECA 模糊事件监视器 模糊数据定义 模糊数据存储 Fuzzy ECA, Fuzzy FEM, Definition of fuzzy data , Fuzzy data store
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