
荣昌县生猪肠道寄生虫感染情况调查(英文) 被引量:1

摘要 目的摸清重庆市荣昌县生猪的肠道寄生虫感染情况,从而为有效防控猪的肠道寄生虫感染提供依据。方法荣昌是我国著名地方猪"荣昌猪"的故乡,我国养猪大县之一,作者于2007年4月至2007年11月,在该县20个镇选择具有代表性的规模化猪场、散养户和屠宰场,对种公猪、母猪、仔猪及肥育猪肠道寄生虫感染情况和屠宰场宰杀的肥猪肠道寄生虫虫体感染情况进行了调查。共检查了832份集约化饲养猪的粪便、1 133份农户散养猪的粪便,并检查了200头屠宰肥猪的肠道。结果13.1%的集约化饲养猪感染猪蛔虫,5.4%感染猪鞭虫,14.6%感染食道口线虫,14.8%感染球虫(包括艾美尔球虫及等孢球虫),3.6%感染结肠小袋纤毛虫。对散养猪,这些数值分别是6.7%,4.8%,23.2%,13.8%,及4.9%。4%的宰杀肥猪检出猪蛔虫,3.5%检出猪鞭虫,52.0%感染食道口线虫。混合感染很常见。结论本项调查表明,荣昌生猪的寄生虫感染较为严重,应引起有关方面的足够重视。应尽快开展猪肠道寄生虫感染的综合防控工作,以保障养猪业的健康快速发展。 Objective The prevalence of intestinal parasites was investigated in pigs in Rongchang County of China between April 2007 and November 2007. Methods Faecal samples from 832 pigs from intensive pig farms, 1 133 faecal samples from pigs raised using traditional indoor/outdoor stystems (both sexes and two age groups) , and 200 slaughtered pigs in an abattoir were examined for the presence of helminths, helminth ova and protozoan oocysts, cysts and/or trophozoites using standard techniques. Results Of the 832 pig faecal samples from intensive pig farms, 109 ( 13.1% ) were infected with Ascaris suum, 45 (5.4%) with Trichuris suis, 121 ( 14.6% ) with Oesophagostomum spp. , 123 ( 14.8% ) with coccidia (Eimeria spp. and/or lsospora suis), and 30 (3.6%) with Balant^dium coli. Of the l 133 faecal samples from pigs raised using traditional extensive stystem, the infection rates were 6.7% (76/1 133), 4.8% (54/1 133), 23. (56/1 133), respectively. Of the 200 slaughtered pigs, 2% (263/1 133), 13.8% (156/1 133), and 4.9% 4% (8/200)were infected with A. suum, 3.5% (7/ 200) with T. suis, and 52.0% (104/200) with Oesophagostomum spp.. Concurrent infection of multiple parasites was common, and these infected pigs were mainly from farms without a strategic anti-parasite treatment regime.Conclusion The results of the present investigation indicated that the prevalence of intestinal parasites in pigs in Rongchang is quite severe. It is imperative that appropriate strategies and measures be implemented to control the severe infection of intestinal parasites in pigs.
出处 《中国兽医寄生虫病》 2008年第3期26-30,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology
基金 荣昌县科技局及教育部“长江学者和创新团队发展计划”创新团队项目(IRT0723)
关键词 肠道寄生虫 流行 荣昌 调查 Intestinal parasites pig prevalence Rongchang survey
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