
入世后我国农产品贸易持续逆差的实证研究 被引量:8

An Empirical Analysis of China's Persistent Agricultural Trade Deficit after Accession to WTO
摘要 通过实证分析发现,我国农业贸易进口增长约是出口的两倍;高技术加工型农产品占据农产品进口的绝大多数,而劳动密集型农产品则主导着出口的大局;大多数农产品显性比较优势指数下滑迅速;农业面临的国际化竞争压力全面提升,产业内贸易竞争激烈。近期依然持续的贸易逆差是可以接受的,其当务之急在于提高农产品的国际竞争力。 Shortly after China's accession to WTO, the imported agricultural products have sharply mounted up, and thus the trade balance has been transformed into deficit since 2004. This paper concludes that the agricultural import increases more than twice of the export, the hi-tech processed and labor-intensive agricultural products hold most of the import and export respectively, the majority of the agricultural products' RCA Index declines sharply, and the IIT Index of competition is intensified. On the basis of the fact that the persistent deficit is still acceptable as a result of reaction to multi-factors, the paper advocates to enhance the international competitiveness of agricultural products.
作者 綦建红 王平
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期30-35,共6页 International Economics and Trade Research
关键词 农产品 贸易逆差 显性比较优势 产业内贸易 agricultural products trade deficit RCA intra-industry trade
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