
Reggeon, Pomeron and Glueball, Odderon-Hadron-Hadron Interaction at High Energies—From Regge Theory to Quantum Chromodynamics

Reggeon, Pomeron and Glueball, Odderon-Hadron-Hadron Interaction at High Energies—From Regge Theory to Quantum Chromodynamics
摘要 <Abstract>Based on analysis of scattering matrix S,and its properties such as analyticity,unitarity,Lorentz invariance, and crossing symmetry relation,the Regge theory was proposed to describe hadron-hadron scattering at high energies before the advent of QCD,and correspondingly a Reggeon concept was born as a mediator of strongly interaction.This theory serves as a successful approach and has explained a great number of experimental data successfully,which proves that the Regge theory can be regarded as a basic theory of hadron interaction at high energies and its validity in many applications.However,as new experimental data come out,we have some difficulties in explaining the data.The new experimental total cross section violates the predictions of Regge theory,which shows that Regge formalism is limited in its applications to high energy data.To understand new experimental measurements,a new exchange theory was consequently born and its mediator is called Pomeron,which has vacuum quantum numbers.The new theory named as Pomeron exchange theory which reproduces the new experimental data of diffractive processes successfully.There are two exchange mediators:Reggeon and Pomeron.Reggeon exchange theory can only produce data at the relatively lower energy region,while Pomeron exchange theory fits the data only at higher-energy region,separately.In order to explain the data in the whole energy region,we propose a Reggeon Pomeron model to describe high-energy hadron- hadron scattering and other diffractive processes.Although the Reggeon-Pomeron model is successful in describing high-energy hadron-hadron interaction in the whole energy region,it is a phenomenological model.After the advent of QCD,people try to reveal the mystery of the phenomenological theory from QCD since hadron-hadron processes is a strong interaction,which is believed to be described by QCD.According to this point of view,we study the QCD nature of Reggeon and Pomeron.We claim that the Reggeon exchange is an exchange of multigluon,the color singlet gluon bound state.In particular,the Pomeron could be a Reggeized tensor glueball ξ(2230) with mass of 2.23 GeV,quantum numbers I^G,J^(PC)= 0^+,2^(++) and decay width of about 100 MeV.The glueball exchange theory reproduces data quite well.Accordingly,we believe that the Odderon,consisting of three Reggeized gluons,and predicted by QCD,should also contribute to hadron-hadron scattering and many other diffractive processes.We search for the Odderon by studying pp and pp elastic scatterings at high energies.Our investigations on the differential cross section dσ/ dt of hadron-hadron scattering at various energies and comparisons with experimental data show that the Odderon plays an essential role in fitting to data.Therefore,we suggest that the measurements should be urgently done in order to confirm the existences of the Odderon and to test QCD. Based on analysis of scattering matrix S, and its properties such as analyticity, unitarity, Lorentz invariance, and crossing symmetry relation, the Regge theory was proposed to describe hadron-hadron scattering at high energies before the advent of QCD, and correspondingly a Reggeon concept was born as a mediator of strongly interaction. This theory serves as a successful approach and has explained a great number of experimental data successfully, which proves that the Regge theory can be regarded as a basic theory of hadron interaction at high energies and its validity in many applications. However, as new experimental data come out, we have some difficulties in explaining the data. The new experimental total cross section violates the predictions of Regge theory, which shows that Regge formalism is limited in its applications to high energy data. To understand new experimental measurements, a new exchange theory was consequently born and its mediator is called Pomeron, which has vacuum quantum numbers. The new theory named as Pomeron exchange theory which reproduces the new experimental data of diffractive processes successfully. There are two exchange mediators: Reggeon and Pomeron. Reggeon exchange theory can only produce data at the relatively lower energy region, while Pomeron exchange theory fits the data only at higher-energy region, separately. In order to explain the data in the whole energy region, we propose a Reggeon-Pomeron model to describe high-energy hadron- hadron scattering and other diffractive processes. Although the Reggeon-Pomeron model is successful in describing high-energy hadron-hadron interaction in the whole energy region, it is a phenomenological model. After the advent of QCD, people try to reveal the mystery of the phenomenological theory from QCD since hadron-hadron processes is a strong interaction, which is believed to be described by QCD. According to this point of view, we study the QCD nature of Reggeon and Pomeron. We claim that the Reggeon exchange is an exchange of multigluon,the color singlet gluon bound state. In particular, the Pomeron could be a Reggeized tensor glueball ξ(2230) with mass of 2.23 GeV, quantum numbers I^G, J^PC = 0^+, 2^++ and decay width of about 100 MeV. The glueball exchange theory reproduces data quite well. Accordingly, we believe that the Odderon, consisting of three Reggeized gluons, and predicted by QCD, should also contribute to hadron-hadron scattering and many other diffractive processes. We search for the Odderon by studying pp and pp elastic scatterings at high energies. Our investigations on the differential cross section dσ/ dt of hadron-hadron scattering at various energies and comparisons with experimental data show that the Odderon plays an essential role in fitting to data. Therefore, we suggest that the measurements should be urgently done in order to confirm the existences of the Odderon and to test QCD.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期729-738,共10页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10565001 and 10647002 the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi under Grant Nos.0481030,0575020,and 0565001
关键词 坡密子 强子 核物理 雷琪理论 hadron-hadron interaction, Regge theory, Reggeon and Pomeron, QCD, glueball and Odderon
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