
玉米和类玉米中45S rDNA位点的CPD显带识别 被引量:1

Identification of 45S rDNA sites in maize and teosintes by CPD Banding
摘要 采用CPD(PI和DAPI组合)染色对玉米和类玉米有丝分裂中期染色体进行了显带分析,供试物种所有的45S rDNA位点都能够有效地被CPD染色显示为红色带纹。在栽培玉米、墨西哥玉米、二倍体多年生类玉米中只有一对染色体上具有45S rDNA位点,在多年生类玉米的2对染色体上具有45S rDNA位点。 In this study, we performed combined PI and DAPI stain teosintes. Our results revealed that all of the 45S rDNA sites in the by CPD staining. 45S rDNA was only detected on one chromosome rennis, while in Zea perennis, 45S rDNA was detected on two pa ng on mitotic metaphase chromosomes in maize and species tested were efficiently shown as red bands pair in Zea mays ssp. mexicana and Zea diplopers of chromosomes.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期19-22,共4页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30771208)
关键词 玉米 类玉米 CPD(PI和DAPI组合)染色 核仁组织区(NOR) maize teosintes combined PI and DAPI staining 45S rDNA
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