
超声检查在腹外疝诊断中的应用 被引量:1

Application of sonography in the diagnosis of external abdominal hernia
摘要 目的:探讨超声检查在腹外疝诊断中的价值。方法:应用超声检查对临床怀疑腹外疝的36例患者进行术前超声检查,明确有无疝的存在及类型。结果:本组36例患者,超声诊断腹外疝33例,其中,腹股沟斜疝30例,直疝2例,切口疝1例。另外3例中,未见疝2例,腹股沟区淋巴结肿大1例。全部病例经手术或长期随访证实。结论:超声对腹外疝的诊断有重要临床价值,不但可明确有无疝的存在,还可明确疝的类型。 Objective: To explore the value of sonography in the diagnosis of external abdominal hernia. Methods: Thirty - six suspected external abdominal hernia patients had been scanned before operation. We performed ultrasound to eonfirm the exist and the type of hernia. Results: In all 36 patients, there were 33 external abdominal hernias including 30 indirect inguinal hernias, 2 direct inguinal hernias, and 1 ineisional hernia. Besides hernias, there were 2 patients without hernias and 1 patients with enlarged inguinal lymphonode. All patients had been eonfirmed by surgery or long - term follow up. Conclusion: Sonography has important elinieal value for diagnosis of external abdominal hernia. We ean use ultrasound for not only diagnosis but also identifieation the type of the hernia.
作者 宫俊英
出处 《中国民康医学》 2008年第10期1092-1092,1090,共2页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
关键词 腹外疝 超声诊断 External abdominal hernia Sonography
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