目的建立流式细胞术诊断x连锁高IgM血症(X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome,XHIM)的方法。方法取患者、患者母亲和健康对照者外周血,肝素抗凝,用RPMI-1640培养基稀释,以15μl的佛波醇酯(1ns/μl)和6μl的离子霉素(50ns/斗1)作刺激剂,从而将外周血标本分为刺激组和非刺激组,运用荧光标记的抗细胞表面抗原单抗检测CD3+CD4-T淋巴细胞表面CD40配体的表达情况,同时检测CD3+淋巴细胞表面的CD69分子作为激活对照,以确定细胞活化的程度。结果刺激组细胞表面CD69的表达率均在96%以上;患者母亲及健康对照者CD3+CD8+T淋巴细胞表面CD40L的表达率分别为60.04%和62.87%,而患者仅为0.8%。非刺激组CD69的表达率均小于3%;患者、患者母亲和健康对照者CD40L的表达率分别为0.88%、4.15%和5.51%。结论流式细胞术可以快速诊断X连锁高IgM血症,有可能成为该类疾病的初筛方法。
Objective To develop a flow cytometric assay to for diagnosis of X-Linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome (XHIM). Methods Heparinized peripheral blood obtained from patient, mother and a healthy control was diluted with RPMl-1640 (unstimulated control) or with RPMI-1640 containing 15μl PMA (1 ng/μl)and 6μl ionomycin(50 ng/μl)( stimulated cell). Using directly labeled antibodies, we have examined CD40 ligand levels on CD3+CD8- T lymphocyte surface, and CD69 levels on CD3+ lymphocyte surface to determine whether the cells were activated. Results CD69 levels on CD3 lymphocyte surface from stimulated group and from unstimulated group were above 96% and below 3%, respectively. CD40L levels on CD3+CD8-T lymphocyte surface from stimulated group were 0.8% (patient), 60.04% (mother) and 62. 87% (healthy control). CD40L levels on CD3+ CD8- T lymphocyte surface from unstimulated group were 0. 88% (patient) ,4. 15% (mother) and 5.51% ( healthy control). Conclusion This flow cytometric assay is accurate and convenient, which can be used in neonatal screening.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine