
美国西部牧区妇女在拓荒时期的重要贡献 被引量:4

Range Women's Contribution to the American West in the Pioneering Period
摘要 美国内战以后,一个疆域相当于半个欧洲的"牧牛王国"在其西部的大平原上兴起。它是美国西部拓荒时期三大行业性开发的重要组成部分,是当时最赚钱的行业之一。牧业边疆成了史家研究的"热门"课题。牛仔和牧场主备受关注。妇女是牧区社会的重要成员,但对她们的研究较少。然而,牧区妇女对"牧牛王国"的兴起和牧区社会的进步作出了独特的贡献。 A "Cattle Kingdom" with a territory half the size of Europe rose in the Great Plains of the American West after the Civil War. Husbandry was important component of the three major branches of industrial development as well as one of the most profitable businesses in the American West during the Pioneering Period. Although the husbandry frontier has been a popular topic for research among historians with the cowboy and the cattlemen attracting a great deal of attention, little research has been done on the range women, important members of the society then, whose contribution to the rise of the Cattle Kingdom and the progress of the range society should not be neglected.
作者 周钢
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期98-107,共10页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(0IBSSO06)
关键词 美国西部 拓荒时期 牧区妇女 the American West the Pioneering Period Women of the Range
  • 相关文献


  • 1David Dary. Cowboy Culture, A Saga of Five Centuries [M]. Lawrence, 1989.
  • 2Lowis Atlerton. The Cattle Kings [M]. Lincoln and London,1961.
  • 3Hermann Hagedorn. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands[M]. Boston, 1921.
  • 4Stan Steiner. The Ranchers, A Book of Generation [M]. Norman, 1980.
  • 5John Clay. My Life on the Range[M]. Chicago, 1924.
  • 6Anges W. Spring. Cow Country Legacies [M]. Kansas City, 1976.
  • 7Robert E. Riegel, Robert G. Atheam. America Moves West [M]. New York, 1971.
  • 8John W. Reps. Cities of American West [M]. Princetion, 1979.
  • 9Laurence I. Seidman. Once in the Saddle: The Cowboy ' s Frontiers,1866-1896[M]. New York, 1973.
  • 10Stuart Henry. Conquering Our Great American Plains: A Historical Development[M]. New York, 1930.


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  • 8I Stan Steiner, The Ranchers : A Book Of Generations, New irork : Random House, 1980.
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  • 10Mary, Beth Norton and David M. Katzman, A People And A Nation: A History Of The United States, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986.










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