
双因素领导结构的验证及其对组织承诺的影响机制研究 被引量:4

The Verification of the Structure of the Double-factor Leadership and a Study on their Mechanisms that Affect their Promises to the Organization
摘要 变革型领导理论的3个构成因素——变革型领导、交易型领导和放任型领导之间的区分问题常受到质疑。本研究致力于运用多因素领导问卷分析该理论的因素构成以及这些因素通过领导下属交换的中介作用对组织承诺的影响。来自6家组织144个团队的676位员工参与了本研究,结果显示:多因素领导问卷测评的领导行为可由积极建设型领导和消极校正型领导两因素构成,前者包括变革型领导、权变性奖励和积极例外管理,后者包括消极例外管理和放任型领导;下属的组织承诺与积极建设型领导和领导下属交换正相关,与消极校正型领导负相关;结构方程模型显示领导行为对下属组织承诺的影响以领导下属交换为中介。文章最后讨论了本研究的局限和未来的研究方向。 The discrimination between the reformatory, transactional and laissez-faire leadership-the three component factors that constitute the theory of reformatory leadership, is often questioned. This study is aimed at, by the use of the questionnaire on the multifactor leadership, analyzing the composition of the factors of this theory and the effect-achieved by the intermediary function of LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE (LMX)-of these factors on subordinates' organizational commitment. 676 employees from 144 teams in 6 organizations have participated in this study and rated their leaders with the said questionnaire. The results show that the leadership behavior appraised through this questionnaire consists of the active constructive leadership and the passive corrective leadership, the former including the reformatory leadership, the contingent reward leadership and the active management-by-exception leadership, the latter including the passive management-by-exception leadership and laissez-faire leadership, that subordinates' organizational commitment is positively correlated to the active constructive leadership and LMX and negatively correlated to the passive corrective leadership, and that the structure equation model indicates that the impact of leadership on subordinates' organizational commitment is made through LMX. At the end of this article, we have discussed the limitation and the orientation of this study.
作者 魏峰 李秀娟
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期115-123,共9页 Journal of Management World
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