ABR(可用比特速率业务)和UBR(未指定比特速率业务)业务是ATM(异步传输模式)中新定义的业务类型,主要面向数据传输服务。TCP(传输控制协议)是目前最为流行的数据传输协议,采用基于窗口的拥塞控制机制。本文主要讨论了 TCP接入ABR和UBR业务时所呈现的一些特点及ATM交换机缓存的大小对TCP性能的影响。
ABR(Availble Bit Rate) and UBR(Unspecified Bit Rate) are new service in the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network, which are mainly used for data communication. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), or the data transmission protocol of Internet, uses the window-based congestion control mechanism. This paper discusses the characteristics of TCP when it employs ABR and UBR seduces, and the influence of the ATM switch buffer on the Performance of TCP.
Digital Communications and Networks