美国设计师协会跨文化设计中心(AIGA XCD)旨在帮助美国设计师成为全球设计界不可缺少的一部分。尽管还不是所有的美国设计师看到与全球沟通的重要性,但是选择加入2008年5月AIGA中国设计之旅的设计师们却对与全球沟通抱有极大的热情,他们将此次中国设计之旅看作与中国设计师建立联系的极为重要的第一步,并希望籍此开始理解中国在全球扮演的重要角色。
AIGA Design Expedition to China
The AlGA Center for Cross-Cultural Design was created to help U.S. designers to become an integral part of the global design community. While not all designers in America see global connections as being important, the designers who have chosen to join the AlGA Design Expedition to China in May 2008 are passionate about this subject. They see this trip as a critically important first step in establishing connections with designers in China and in beginning to understand the important role China plays in the world.
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