
企业领导者的社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效的关系研究 被引量:38

The Relation of Corporate Leaders' Social Responsibility Orientation with the Social and Organizational Performances of Corporate
摘要 企业领导者的社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效存在一定关系。根据以往的研究,企业社会责任取向包括经济取向、法律取向、伦理取向和慈善取向4个维度。在研究中,把企业社会表现拟合为员工、消费者、股东、强制环保、自觉环保、社区和特殊群体7个因子,把组织绩效分为市场绩效、财务绩效和人力绩效3个因子。研究发现,在企业社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效3者的关系中,企业社会表现起着中介作用。此外,对国外学者设计的企业社会责任取向问卷进行了本土化,并首次将企业社会责任取向、企业社会表现和组织绩效纳入一个研究框架中。 There is certain relationship among leaders ' social responsibility orientation, social per formance and organizational performance in corporate. Corporate social responsibility orientation was divided into four factors, including economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility orientation; Corporate social performances were did into seven ones, including employee, consumer, stockholder, compulsory environmental protection, voluntary environmental protection, community and special groups; organizational performances were did into three factors, including market performance, financial performance and employee performance. The research shows that among the corporate social responsibility orientation, corporate social performance and organizational performance, the corporate social performance plays the intermediary role. On the basis of Carroll's research, the questionnaire of the corporate social responsibility orientation designed by Aupperle was localized. The corporate social responsibility orientation, corporate social performance and organizational performance were considered in a research frame.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2008年第3期445-453,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目(07BJY003)
关键词 CSR CSRO 企业社会表现 组织绩效 关系研究 结构方程 corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility orientation corporatesocial performance organizational performance~ relationship study structural equation
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