Objective: To evaluate the effect of different treatments for hydrosalpinx on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Methods: The data of IVF-ET outcome in 129 patients with infertility derived from tubal causes (63 patients with a history of hydrosalpinx)were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into four groups according to trreatment for hydrosalpinx: no surgical procedure (Group A, 19 cases, 19 cycles), the salpingectomy by laparoscope (Group B, 16 cases, 16 cycles), the proximal tubal ligation and distal tubal salpingostomy by laparoscope (Group C, 28 cases, 30 cycles), and the control group with an indication of tubal factor other than hydrosalpix in the same duration (group D, 66 cases, 69 cycles). Results: The data revealed that there were no significant differences in the doses of gonadotrophin,the duration of stimulation, the number of retrieved ooeytes, the fertilization rates and cleavage rates(P〉0.05). Implantation rates and clinical pregnancy rates of group A, group B, group C and group D were 7.5%(3/40) and 15.8%(3/19), 31.3%(10/32) and 43.8%(7/16),33.3%(21/63) and 53.3%(16/30), and 26.9%(39/145) and 42.0%(29/69), respectively, which showed significant difference (P〈0.05), and those of group A were the lowest. The abortion rate of group A, group B, group C and group D were 66.7%(2/3), 14.3%(1/7), 12.5%(2/16) and 6.9%(2/29), respectively, which showed significant difference(P〈0.05), and that of group A was highest. Conclusions Hydrosalpinx may decrease the implantation rate of the embryos and increase the abortion rate. Treatments for hydrosalpinx before the IVF-ET may enhance the embryo implantation rate and improve the pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET. It appears no significant difference in the effects on the outcome of IVF- ET between the laparoscopic salpingectomy and laparoscopic proximal tubal ligation with distal tubal salpingostomy.Both of the procedures may be considered for the treatments of hydrosalpinx prior to IVF-ET.
Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning
Hydrosalpinx Infertility in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer Superovulation induction Pregnancy Laparoscopy