Objective To explore the relationship between the extent of coronary artery lesions and plasma brain natriuretic pepfide(BNP) levels in the patients with coronary artery disease(CAD) except for congestive heart failure(CHF). Method Seventy CAD patients without CHF evidenced by dinical manifestation and coronary arteriography (CAG) from Cardiology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China, were enrolled in the study. These patients were diagnozed under coronary arteriography (CAG) during March to May of 2007. They were divided into 3 groups: stable angina group (24 patients), unstable angina group (25 patients),myocardial infarction group (21 patients). Twenty patients without coronary history and with normal CAG served as controls. Plasma BNP concentrations were measured with ELASA before CAG. The coronary lesion vessels and scores were estimated after CAG. The relationship between BNP levels and the coronary lesion vessels, as well as scores in CAD was analyzed. The data were expressed as (-↑ x ± s ) and was analyzed by using 2 independent samples test and spearman correlation with SPSS 13.0. A P value less than 0.01 indicated statistical significance. Results The plasma BNP concentrations in the patients, especially in the patients with myocardial infarction, were significantly higher than those in the controls. Spearman analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between the BNP levels and coronary lesion vessels ( r1 = 0. 309, P = 0. 01 ), also between BNP and coronary lesion score ( r2 = 0. 279, P = 0. 01 ). Conclusions In the patients without congestive heart failure, the more serious the coronary artery lesions, the higher the plasma BNP concentrations were. The degree of myocardial ischemia caused by coronary artery lesions was correlated with the plasma BNP level. Plasma BNP concentration could be valuable for the extent of coronary artery lesions in the patients of coronary artery disease.
Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Coronary artery lesion
Coronary arteriography