
唐代几部有关岭南医药专著的考察 被引量:1

Investigation on several monographs of the Tang dynasty related to Lingnan ( Southern Tidges) medicine
摘要 《新唐书·艺文志》、《通志略·艺文略》、《宋史·艺文志》共著录8部唐代有关岭南的医药专著,至元、明时全佚。今桂林南溪山有宋人摩崖石刻《广南摄生论养气汤方》一通;《岭南卫生方》中有《摄生方》、《摄生论》各一条,是唐人郑景岫《广南摄生论》迄今仅有的遗存。唐代有关南药、海药的专著,有未著撰人的《南海药谱》和李殉《海药本草》,李时珍认为两者为一书。今查《政和本草》发现,有一药引一书者,有一药同时引两书者,内容不同,疑为两书。 In the Tang dynasty, eight monographs related to Lingnan medicine were recorded in Yi wen zhi (Bibliography of Arts and Literature) of Xin tang shu (Annals of New Tang Dynasty), Yi wen lüe ( Brief Bibliography of Arts and Literature ) of Tong zhi lüe ( Brief Annals of General History ), Yi wen zhi (Bibliography of Arts and Literature) of Song shi (Annals of Song Dynasty). However, all of them were lost in the Yuan and Ming dynasty. Now, a piece of stone-carving, Guang nan she sheng lun yang qi tang fang (Nourishing Qi Prescription of Treatise of Keeping Health of Guangnan) was found at the cliff on Nanxi Mountain in Guilin, the descriptions about keeping health prescription and keeping health treatise in Ling nan wei sheng fang (Hygiene Prescriptions of Southern Ridges) were regarded as the only extant version of Guang nan she sheng lun ( Treatise of Keeping Health of Guangnan ) written by Zbeng Jing-xiu in the Tang Dynasty. Monographs about southern Chinese medicines and oversea medicines in the Tang dynasty can be seen, such as Nan hal yao pu ( Prescriptions of Nanhai) written by anonymous author and Li Xun' s Hai yao ben cao ( Oversea Materia Medica). Both claimed by Li Shi-zben to be the same book. Now, after checking the Zheng he ben cao (Materia Medica of Zhenghe Reign ) , it is suspicious that these are two different books instead of one, because sometimes, one medicinal item is quoted from one source, while other item can be quoted from the both sources at the same time with different contexts.
作者 靳士英 靳朴
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2008年第2期103-105,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
关键词 岭南医药 《广南摄生论》 《南海药谱》 《海药本草》 Lingnan (Southern Tidges) medicine Guang nan she sheng lun (Treatise of Keeping Health of Guangnan ) Nan hai yao pu ( Prescriptions of South Sea) Hal yao ben cao ( Oversea Materia Medica )
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  • 1欧阳修.新唐书·艺文志.见二十五史.影印本.上海:上海古藉出版社.上海书店,1986.167.
  • 2丹波元胤.中国医藉考[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1956.431.
  • 3郑樵.通志略·艺文略.影印本.上海:上海古藉出版社,1990.
  • 4脱脱.宋史·艺文志.影印本.上海:上海书店,上海古藉出版社,1986.656.
  • 5郑广铭,程应缪.中国历史大辞典·宋史.上海:上海辞书出版社,1984.458-459.
  • 6释继洪.岭南卫生方.影印本.北京:中国古籍出版社,1983.53,99.
  • 7李时珍.本草纲目.第1册.北京:人民卫生出版社,1975.
  • 8唐慎微撰,曹孝忠校订.政和新修经史证类备用本草.影印本.北京:人民卫生出版社,1957.










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