
CVD法制备不同碳材料产物的FESEM研究 被引量:2

FESEM Study on Different Carbon Materials by CVD Method
摘要 以甲苯、乙炔为碳源,采用CVD法制备碳微球。该工艺方法简单、容易操作,所选碳源洁净无杂质,使得合成的碳微球不含其它杂质,对制备高性能碳微球的工艺参数进行了探索。所得产物分别进行了FESEM分析,结果发现有大量形貌较好的碳微球生成。 By chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using acetylene and toluene as carbon sources, carbon microspheres were synthesized. The method was simple and easy to operate, meanwhile carbon sources was pure. So the product was purity. The techniques for preparation of high quality carbon microspheres was discussed. FESEM analysis on the product indicated that a great deal of carbon microspheres with good shape was synthesized.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2008年第5期7-9,共3页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 碳微球 FESEM CVD carbon microspheres FESEM CVD
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