
抒情时代及其焦虑:试论《年青的一代》所展现的社会主义新中国 被引量:5

The Lyrical Age and Its Discontents:On the Staging of Socialist New China in The Young Generation
摘要 1962年到1965年间,一系列反映当代生活或是革命传统的戏剧被精心创作出来,并且对整个国家的文化生活产生了广泛的影响。文化部特地于1964年3月召开了一次前所未有的授奖大会,表彰上一年出现的21部戏剧作品,其中最受欢迎的是四幕话剧《年青的一代》。在一个充满激情和期待、欢呼"青春万岁"、集体沉浸在对人类幸福进行大胆梦想、誓将平淡人生化为火热生活的时代里,这首倍受称赞的社会主义青春之歌无疑是抒情式的,它集中展现了那个渐行渐远的"抒情年代"的历史想象和文化逻辑。论文通过这个话剧来揭示出20世纪中叶中国的抒情文化所要竭力克服的深层焦虑和不满情绪,从而对这一抒情文化进行一次考古式的挖掘。这样一次挖掘和揭示意味着不仅仅是重新建构当时在舞台上所表演出来的、可见可感的部分,同时也是去发现在舞台表现和戏剧冲突后面隐含的逻辑和用意。 From 1962 to 1965, a series of well-written dramas depicting contemporary life or revolution- ary tradition had been published, which has exerted a profound impact on the cultural life of the entire country. Therefore, in March 1964 an unprecedented prize-awarding conference was especially convened by the Ministry of Culture to commend the twenty-one plays released in the previous year, the most popular of which was the four-act stage play--The Young Generation. In an era marked by passion and anticipation, acclamation for youthfulness, collective indulgence in the bold imagination of human happiness and a pledge to turn insipid life into a vigorous one, this socialist song of youth, well-acclaimed, is definitely lyric and reflective of the historical imagination and cultural logic of that increasingly remote "lyrical age". By virtue of this play, this paper attempts to probe into the lyric culture so as to reveal the profound anxiety and discontents endeavored to be evaded by the Chinese lyric culture in the 20th century. By the probe and revelation of such a sort is meant that not only the tangible part on the stage is to be reestablished but the logic and intention behind the stage performance and dramatic conflict are to be uncovered as well.
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期1-14,共14页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 抒情时代 历史想象 文化逻辑 深层焦虑 象征秩序 the lyrical age historical imagination cultural logic profound discontents the symbolic order
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