目的:探讨希阿里区网(CN)的超声诊断及其临床意义。材料与方法:将门诊889例连续受检者作为研究对象,男性506例,女性383例;年龄15天~82岁。应用Philips SONOS 4500彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率2.0~3.5MHz。患者进行常规二维超声心动图及多普勒检查,发现右心房内异常条索状光带飘动,以四腔、剑下两腔及大血管短轴等多切面扫查,了解条索状光带的位置、附着点及与下腔静脉和冠状窦入口的关系。结果:超声检测889例患者,共检出CN31例,显示率3.5%。大多数位于下腔静脉入口周缘,止于三尖瓣环上方冠状窦入口周缘或右房侧壁。未见影响血液动力学改变。结论:CN一般无临床症状和体征,但在心脏介入诊断或治疗中偶见意外发生。超声对洲的诊断准确简便,检出后应及时提示临床医师,避免发生并发症。
Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate echocardiograpic diagnosis of Chiari network and its clinical relevance. Materials and Methods: 889 consecutive outpatients ranging from 15 days to 82 years of age (male 506, female 383) were examined by 2D echocardiography with Philips SONOS 4500 ul rasound system (probe frequency 2.0-3.SMHz). We examined the patients who were detected that a long, thin, highly mobile whiplike echo in the fight atrium moved rapid toward and away from the tricuspid valve ring by many views in order to get to know its location, attachment point and relation with inferior vena cava and coronary sinus. Results: Chiari network was present in 31 of 889 patients (prevalence 3.5 % ). In most cases, one side of CN attached to the crista terminalis on the free wall of the right atrium and the other side attached to the coronary sinus, and it have no effect on haemodynamics. Conclusion: CN show no clinical symptom and signs commonly. But accidents perhaps happen unexpectedly in procedure of diagnositic or therapeutic cardial intervention of heart condition. Echocardiographic imaging diagnosis of Chiari network is accurate and convenient. When CN is detected, clinician should be informed in time in order to avoid any complication.
Modern Medical Imageology