
微滤技术在乳品工业中的研究进展 被引量:1

Current development of micro-filtration technology in dairy industry
摘要 对微滤技术在乳品工业中的应用作以综述,经过低热膜技术处理生产的液态乳的风味与原料乳接近,货架期是一般制品的3~5倍。微生物的截留结果表明用该乳生产干酪的卫生指标与巴氏杀菌乳相当或者是更佳。微滤技术在乳品工业中的应用还包括:乳清的脱脂、干酪盐水的纯化等等,此外,最具前景的应用是分离酪蛋白生产干酪和脂肪的分离等。 This paper deals with the most recent developments of micro-filtration in dairy industry. Pretreatment by micro-filtration of milk is used for production of low heated fluid milk having a flavor similar to raw milk and a shelf life of 3 to 5 times longer than that of classical milk. Results observed in the retention by the micro-filtration membrane of bacteria allow to be said that cheeses made from micro-filtration milk is equal or even higher than that made from pasteurized milk. Numerous other application of micro-filtration includes removal of residual fat from whey or bacteria from cheese brine, but the most promising are undoubtedly the selective separation of casein micellar and fat globules.
出处 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第5期44-48,共5页 China Dairy Industry
关键词 微滤 酪蛋白 乳清 干酪 micro-filtration membrane casein whey cheese
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