

On Different Cognitions about Chinese Modernization of the KMT and the CPC
摘要 近代中国实现民族独立、社会解放、国家重建、经济发展等是实现中国现代化的关键问题。围绕上述四个问题,国共两党形成了各自关于解决中国现代化问题的不同思路。关于民族独立问题,国民党始终都不能将反对帝国主义坚持到底,而中国共产党则坚定而又彻底地反帝和追求民族独立;关于社会解放问题,国民党是试图在保存封建制的基础上实行现代化,因而无法真正实现社会解放,而中共则认为必须采取革命的手段彻底废除封建土地所有制、解放农民、实现社会解放;关于国家重建问题,国民党坚持通过一党专制、个人独裁达到建立有权威的政府的目的,而中共则提出了新民主主义共和国的国家重建方案;关于经济发展问题,国民党坚持的是有利于官僚资本发展的政府全面控制经济的模式,而中共则提出了新民主主义的经济方案。二者的不同主张最终决定二者在中国现代化发展中的不同命运。 The key issue to Chinese modernization is to achieve national independence, social liberation, national reconstruction and economic development in modern China. On the above four issues, the KMT and the CPC formed different ideas on the settlement of Chinese modernization. On the national independence, the KMT could not always adhere to resist imperialism, and the CPC insisted on anti-imperialist firmly and thoroughly and in pursuit of national independence; On social liberation, the KMT tried to realize modernization on the basis of preserving feudal system, so it was unable to achieve social liberation truly. But the CPC thought that it must abolish the feudal land ownership, liberate the peasants, and get the realization of social emancipation; On the reconstruction of the country, the KMT adhered to the one-party dictatorship, established a personal dictatorship for purpose of the authority Government. But the CPC proposed a program of new democratic republic of national reconstruction; On the issue of economic development, the KMT adhered to the way of bureaucratic capital which was controlled by the Government. But the CPC proposed the new-economy program. Two different ideas of Chinese modernization decided that the KMT and the CPC had different fate.
作者 成锐航
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期135-139,共5页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 国共两党 近代中国 现代化 KMT and the CPC modern China modernization
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