
252kVSF6断路器灭弧室压力特性试验研究 被引量:18

Research of Pressure Feature Test in Arc-quenching Chamber of 252 kV SF_6 Circuit Breaker
摘要 SF6断路器内部机理的理论研究已相当深入,但多年来由于断路器灭弧室内部参数测量费用较高和试验周期较长,以及需要考虑测量方法对试验结果精确性的影响等,相应的试验验证工作却很少,理论工作缺乏指导。针对这一状况,该文对252kVSF6断路器的灭弧室内空载压力特性进行测量,并在灭弧室内压力缸、动静弧触头以及喷口上游、喉部和下游埋设7支微型硅压阻式压力传感器,通过改变断路器的基压和速度特性等结构参数,实现多点、多位置的多次测量,取得完整的灭弧室内动态压力特性变化的试验数据;分析了灭弧室动态压力变化与开断时间的关系。试验结果符合断路器的开断规律。 Interior mechanism research of SF6 circuit breaker has been advanced. However, the cost of interior parameter test in circuit breaker is high, test period is long, and error from test method must be considered, so few related tests are done and theory work lacks guidance. To solve above problem, pressure characteristics in the arc-quenching chamber of 252 kV SF6 circuit breaker with no-load test is measured. Seven silicon piezoresistive micro pressure transducers are individually placed at jar, moving contactor, static contactor and upstream, throat and downstream of nozzle. Multiple tests of multipoint are realized through changing base-pressure and velocity feature etc, and full dynamic pressure feature test data in the arc-quenching chamber is collected. Relationship between dynamic pressure and breaking time is analyzed. Test result agrees with circuit breaker cut-off law.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期130-135,共6页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50577043)~~
关键词 SF6断路器 灭弧室 压力特性试验 SF6 circuit breaker arc-quenching chamber pressure feature test
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