1A treatise of human nature, BookⅢ, pⅡ n ,chapterⅥ, reproduced in Smart D. Warner & Donald W. Livingston(eds), David Hume: Political writings, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 1994, at 43
2A treatise of human nature, BookⅢ, pⅡ n ,chapterⅥ, reproduced in Smart D. Warner & Donald W. Livingston(eds), David Hume: Political writings, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 1994, at 45
3Richard R. Baxter, "International law in' her infinite variety", 29 ICLQ (International and Comparative law Quarterly) (1980) ,pp. 549 - 566
4Jerzy Sztucki, "Reflections on international 'soft law'", in Jan Ramberg et al. (eds.), Festskrift till Lars Hjemer: studies in international law, Norstedts, Stockholm, 1990, pp.549 - 575.
5A.J.P. Tammes, "Soft Law", in Maarten Bos et al. (eds.), Eradice arbor: essays on international and comparative law in honour of Judge Erades, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, 1983,pp. 187 - 195
6Tadeusz Gruchalla- Wesierski, "A framework for understanding 'soft law'", 30 McGill Ij (McGill Law Journal) (1984) ,pp.37 - 880
8Jan Klabbers,“Informal agreements in international law: towards a theoretical framework”, 5 FYBIL(Finnish Yearbook of International Law) ( 1994, pp. 267 - 238)
9Cf. Friedrich V. Kratochwil, Rules, norms and decisions: on the conditions of practical and legal reasoning in international relations and domestic affairs, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989, p. 235.
10Cf. Peter H. Sand, "To treaty or not to treaty? A survey of practical experience", 87 ASIL Proc. (Proceedings of the American Society of International Law)( 1993 ), 378 - 383.