
Intraspecific Variations of Phosphorus Absorption and Remobilization, P Forms, and Their Internal Buffering in Brassica Cultivars Exposed to a P-Stressed Environment 被引量:4

Intraspecific Variations of Phosphorus Absorption and Remobilization, P Forms, and Their Internal Buffering in Brassica Cultivars Exposed to a P-Stressed Environment
摘要 Translocation of absorbed phosphorus (P) from metabolically inactive sites to active sites in plants growing under P deprivation may increase its P utilization efficiency (PUE). Acclimation to phosphate (Pi) starvation may be caused by a differential storage pool of vacuolar P, its release, and the intensity of re-translocation of absorbed P as P starvation inducible environmental cues (PSlEC) from ambient environment. Biomass assay and three P forms, namely inorganic (Pi), organic (Po), and acid-soluble total (Ptas) were estimated in Brassica cultivars exposed to 10 d P deprivation in the culture media. Considering that -aPi/at denotes the rate of Pi release, Pi release velocity (RSPi) was determined as the tangent to the equations obtained for Pi f(t) at the mean point in the period of greatest Pi decrease, whereas the inverse of the RSPi was an estimate of the internal Pi buffering capacity (IBCPi). Inter cultivar variations in size of the non-metabolic Pi pool, RSPi, re-translocation of Pi from less to more active metabolic sites, and preferential Pi source and sink compartments were evaluated under P starvation. The cultivar 'Brown Raya' showed the highest Pi storage ability under adequate external P supply, and a more intensive release than 'Rain Bow' and 'Dunkled' under P stress. Cultivar 'B.S.A' was inferior to 'Con-l' in its ability to store and use Pi. Roots and upper leaves were the main sink of Pi stored in the lower and middle leaves of all cultivars and showed lower IBCPi and larger RSPi values than lower and middle leaves. In another trial, six cultivars were exposed to P-free nutrition for 29 d after initial feeding on optimum nutrition for 15 d. With variable magnitude, all of the cultivars re-translocatad P from the above ground parts to their roots under P starvation, and [P] at 44 d after transplanting was higher in developing leaves compared with developed leaves. Under P deprivation, translocation of absorbed P from metabolically inactive to active sites may have helped the tolerant cultivars to establish a better rooting system, which provided a basis for tolerance against P starvation and increased PUE. A better understanding of the extent to which changes in the flux of P absorption and re-translocation under PSIEC will help to scavenge Pi from bound P reserves and will bring more sparingly soluble P into cropping systems and obtain capitalization of P reserves. Translocation of absorbed phosphorus (P) from metabolically inactive sites to active sites in plants growing under P deprivation may increase its P utilization efficiency (PUE). Acclimation to phosphate (Pi) starvation may be caused by a differential storage pool of vacuolar P, its release, and the intensity of re-translocation of absorbed P as P starvation inducible environmental cues (PSlEC) from ambient environment. Biomass assay and three P forms, namely inorganic (Pi), organic (Po), and acid-soluble total (Ptas) were estimated in Brassica cultivars exposed to 10 d P deprivation in the culture media. Considering that -aPi/at denotes the rate of Pi release, Pi release velocity (RSPi) was determined as the tangent to the equations obtained for Pi f(t) at the mean point in the period of greatest Pi decrease, whereas the inverse of the RSPi was an estimate of the internal Pi buffering capacity (IBCPi). Inter cultivar variations in size of the non-metabolic Pi pool, RSPi, re-translocation of Pi from less to more active metabolic sites, and preferential Pi source and sink compartments were evaluated under P starvation. The cultivar 'Brown Raya' showed the highest Pi storage ability under adequate external P supply, and a more intensive release than 'Rain Bow' and 'Dunkled' under P stress. Cultivar 'B.S.A' was inferior to 'Con-l' in its ability to store and use Pi. Roots and upper leaves were the main sink of Pi stored in the lower and middle leaves of all cultivars and showed lower IBCPi and larger RSPi values than lower and middle leaves. In another trial, six cultivars were exposed to P-free nutrition for 29 d after initial feeding on optimum nutrition for 15 d. With variable magnitude, all of the cultivars re-translocatad P from the above ground parts to their roots under P starvation, and [P] at 44 d after transplanting was higher in developing leaves compared with developed leaves. Under P deprivation, translocation of absorbed P from metabolically inactive to active sites may have helped the tolerant cultivars to establish a better rooting system, which provided a basis for tolerance against P starvation and increased PUE. A better understanding of the extent to which changes in the flux of P absorption and re-translocation under PSIEC will help to scavenge Pi from bound P reserves and will bring more sparingly soluble P into cropping systems and obtain capitalization of P reserves.
出处 《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期703-716,共14页 植物学报(英文版)
基金 the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (MEXT),Japan.
关键词 BRASSICA internal Pi buffering capacity P absorption and remobilization Pi homeostasis Pi release velocity vacuolar P Brassica internal Pi buffering capacity P absorption and remobilization Pi homeostasis Pi release velocity vacuolar P
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