目的:建立动物性食品中特布他林和沙丁胺醇的前处理和GC/MS/MS检测方法。方法:食品中特布他林和沙丁胺醇用0.2 mol/L高氯酸提取,经均质、离心、净化、衍生化后,采用GC/MS/MS测定其样品中特布他林和沙丁胺醇残留量。结果:优化了动物性食品中特布他林和沙丁胺醇的提取、净化和测定条件,有效去除样品中的干扰成分,定量检测特布他林和沙丁胺醇。特布他林和沙丁胺醇残留量的检测限均为0.5 ng/kg,线性范围为0-250μg/L,线性回归系数大于0.995,平均加标回收率为85.6%-96.4%。结论:用本法检测动物性食品中特布他林和沙丁胺醇的残留量,具有快速、准确、灵敏的优点,为食品安全提供一种高效、准确的方法。
Objective: A simple and rapid method using GC/MS/MS for the multi - residue analysis of terbutalin and salbutamol in animal derived foods was developed. Methods:Terbutalin and salbutamol were extracted with 0. 2 mol/L perchloric acid, and cleaned - up on a solid - phase extraction cartridge ( OasisMCX, Waters). The targets were derivatized with BSTFA and then determined by GC/MS/MS. Results:Good linear correlation (r 〉0. 995) and good analytical precision (RSD 〈4. 5% ) were obtained. The average recoveries of samples were in the range of 85.6% - 96. 4% . The determination limit was 0.5 ng/ kg. Conclusion:The method is simple and rapid and of good repeatability and high sensitivity.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology