
钢筋混凝土楼板-预应力空间桁架组合体系的静动力非线性分析 被引量:1

Static and Dynamic Nonlinear Analyses of a Reinforced Concrete Floor-Prestress Space Truss Composite System
摘要 为了加固在机器动力作用下受损的某工业厂房钢筋混凝土楼板,减小其振动响应,提出了由原有钢筋混凝土楼板及后加预应力钢丝绳受拉弦杆、钢管受压腹杆构成组合体系的加固手段。加固前后对该结构进行的动力测试结果表明,加固是成功的,楼板振动的峰值响应明显减小,达到了正常使用的要求。在此基础上,采用通用有限元分析软件,对该组合体系进行了静、动力非线性分析。分析结果表明组合体系中受压楼板不同位置基本上能发生同步振动;相对于原楼板结构,组合体系的位移幅值有较大幅度的减小。动力测试和非线性动力分析结果均表明,采用该组合体系对筋混凝土楼板进行减振加固是有效的、可行的。 In order to strengthen a damaged RC floor of a factory building under mechanical vibration and mitigate its vibration responses,a composite system,which is comprised of original reinforced concrete slab,tension chord of prestress steel wire ropes and compression web of steel tube,was presented and put into practice.Results of dynamic measurement before and after strengthening showed that the peak values of dynamic responses,such as acceleration and velocity of the floor were suppressed effectively.Furthermore,the static and dynamic nonlinear analyses of this system were performed by universal finite element analysis software.Analysis results indicate that different points of the compression RC slab can vibrate synchronously and the maximum displacements of the slab in the composite system decrease remarkably.These simulation results consolidate the validity of this composite system for vibration suppression and strengthening of the damaged RC floor.
出处 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2008年第5期59-63,共5页 Building Science
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(3ZS041-A25-023)
关键词 预应力空间组合桁架 楼板振动 加固 非线性动力分析 动力测试 prestress space composite truss floor vibration strengthening nonlinear dynamic analysis dynamic measurement
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