
G蛋白抑制性多肽-27药动学测定方法的建立 被引量:1

Development of on Isotope Tracing Method for Pharmacokinetics of GCIP-27
摘要 目的建立测定小鼠血浆中G蛋白抑制性多肽-27(GCIP-27)浓度的放射性核素(125I)示踪测定法。方法125I-GCIP采用Iodogen法标记,血浆中GCIP的浓度采用同位素示踪法结合三氯醋酸(TCA)沉淀法或低相对分子质量SDS-PAGE电泳法测定,并比较其测定结果。结果TCA沉淀法和电泳法同时对照测定60份GCIP血浆样品,结果呈良好的相关性,r=0.9554。2种方法最低检测浓度均为2.0μg.L-1,日内、日间RSD均小于10%,血浆在3.75~480μg.L-1内均呈良好的相关性,相关系数分别为r=0.9977和0.9964,血浆中GCIP的平均回收率分别为(92.72±4.55)%和(91.77±5.21)%。结论同位素示踪法与沉淀法或电泳法结合,方法稳定、可靠、灵敏度较高,两法相辅相成,适于GCIP-27血药浓度测定。 OBJECTIVE To develop an isotope tracing method tor the pharmacokinetics of GCIP-27 in mice. METHODS ^125 I- GCIP was prepared by Iodogen method. Isotope tracing method combined with trichloroacetie acid (TCA) precipitation and low molecular weight SDS-PAGE method were used to determine GCIP-27 in mice plasma. RESULTS TCA method and SDS-PAGE method were used to measure the concentration of 60 mouse plasma samples. There was a good linear correlation ( r = 0. 955 4) between the two methods. Within-day and between-day precision were less than 10%. Their linearities were determined in the range of 3.75 -480 μg ·L^-1 in plasma ( r = 0. 9977 and 0. 996 4, respectively) . The average recoveries of the two methods of GCIP were(92.72±4. 55 ) and (91.77 ± 5.21 )%, respectively. CONCLUSION Both the methods are stable, reliable and sensitive. They are suitable for the detemlination of GCIP concentration in mice plasma.
出处 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期692-695,共4页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 重庆市自然科学基金重点攻关项目(20048256、20027537、20010725)
关键词 G蛋白抑制性多肽-27 同位素标记示踪法 TCA沉淀法 低分子量蛋白电泳法 GCIP-27 isotope tracing method TCA SDS-PAGE
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