
对会话自我修补的研究 被引量:15

Self-repair in conversation:A survey
摘要 会话自我修补是说话者在话语交际过程中监测到话语错误后自我纠正错误的行为。自1970年代以来,国外话语研究界对自然话语这一普遍现象进行了广泛的研究。本文从其早期研究、修补策略、修补提示、研究方法等方面进行综述,着重介绍和评述其分类、内部结构和定义方面所取得的成果,同时,基于语料库语料和元认知理论提出了自己的看法。 Self-repair,not uncommon in the spontaneous speech,is an activity in which the speaker self-corrects the speech errors after s/he self-detects them.Since the 1970s,self-repair has attracted extensive research.The present paper makes a general survey of the literature,concerning its initial studies,repair strategies,repair cues and research methodology,etc.Also discussed in detail are taxonomies,internal structure and definitions as well as remaining problems.Suggestions for improvement based on corpus data and metacognitive theory are made.
作者 姚剑鹏
出处 《当代语言学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期147-157,共11页 Contemporary Linguistics
关键词 自我修补 自然话语 修补策略 修补提示 self-repair,conversation analysis,self-repair strategies,self-repair taxonomies
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