
用典型相关进一步研究大学生亲社会倾向和亲社会推理的关系 被引量:9

The Further Study on the Correlations of Prosocial Tendencies and Prosocial Moral Reasoning with Canonical Correlation Analysis
摘要 本研究使用修订后的亲社会倾向量表(PTM)和亲社会客观推理量表(PROM),对大学生群体进行了测查,并采用简单相关和典型相关探讨亲社会倾向和亲社会推理的关系。结果表明:大学生的亲社会倾向由高到低依次为:紧急的、利他的、情绪的、依从的、匿名的和公开的;他们的亲社会推理由高到低依次是:需要定向、刻板定向、内化价值定向、享乐主义定向和赞扬定向。6种亲社会倾向都与刻板定向推理、内化价值定向推理正相关;紧急的、依从的亲社会倾向与需要定向推理正相关;匿名的亲社会倾向与享乐主义定向推理负相关。从典型相关分析结果来看,两者间的整体关联程度没有理论预期的高,典型变量所代表的亲社会倾向主要是紧急的、匿名的、依从的亲社会倾向,而这些亲社会倾向主要由内化价值定向推理、刻板定向推理、需要定向推理来解释。 Simply correlation and Canonical correlation analysis were used together to explore the correlations of prosocial tendencies and prosocial moral reasoning on Chinese college students. The results were as follows: Chinese college students report dire prosocial tendency most, followed by altruistic, emotional, compliant, anonymous and public prosocial tendencies; They take need - oriented prosocial moral reasoning most, followed by stereotypic, internalized, hedonistic and approval - oriented prosocial moral reasoning; The stereotypic moral reasoning and the internalized moral reasoning are related positively to the six types of prosocial tendencies; Canonical correlation analysis shows that the correlations of prosocial tendencies and prosocial moral reasoning are not so high as the former theories suggests. Canonical variables mainly stand for the dire, anonymous and compliant prosocial tendencies; these prosocial tendencies are mainly explained by internalized, stereotypic and need- oriented prosocial moral reasoning.
作者 洪慧芳 寇彧
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期113-118,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(DBB010520) 中共北京市委教育工作委员会和北京市教育委员会委托课题"未成年人思想道德教育层次性研究"
关键词 亲社会倾向 亲社会推理 典型相关 college students prosocial tendency prosocial moral reasoning canonical correlation analysis
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