

Double-differential Ionospheric Delay Simulation Analysis Based on Onboard Single-frequency GPS of Space-aircraft
摘要 以地面上空1100km,相距150km到200km的两飞行器为例,针对采用星载单频GPS高精度相对定位的要求,设计了三种卫星编队飞行方案,结合IRI2001电离层模型研究了空间飞行器单频GPS相对定位中电离层延迟量影响,对星载单频GPS卫星双差电离层延迟残差做了深入分析,得出了一些有参考价值的结论。 Three types of formation flight operational schemes were designed. They were combined with the IRI2001 model, to study the effect of ionospheric delay in relative positioning by onboard GPS of space-aircraft. Deep analyses also made for double-differential ionospheric delay of single frequency GPS onboard LEO satellite, Some useful conclusions were drawn for ambiguity solution in carrier phase positioning in such a case that two spacecraft with 1100KM high from the Earth and a distance from 150KM to 200KM. The residuals of double-differential ionospheric delay usually don't affect the solution of the ambiguity.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2437-2440,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金(40625013) 国家自然科学基金(40674012)
关键词 双差 电离层延迟量 仿真 整周模糊度 double-difference ionospheric delay simulation ambiguity
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