
基于多线程并行的大规模场景交互漫游研究 被引量:4

Study on large-scale terrain interactive walkthrough based on multi-threaded
摘要 针对大规模三维场景的交互漫游,提出了一种基于多线程并行调度解决方案,并给出了相应的交互漫游算法。该方法使用离散层次细节技术结合视点相关的动态连续层次细节选择和过渡的批LOD技术。在预处理阶段,对大规模场景进行分层分块处理;在实时漫游阶段,采用多线程并行技术:绘制线程利用四叉树层次进行可见性剔除和视点相关简化获取当前可绘地形,并将其提交给GPU进行绘制。预取线程通过预测视点的位置,从外存预取相关的几何数据并调入内存。将该方法应用于具体实例,取得了良好效果,证明了该并行方法的有效性。 A multi-threaded approach for large-scale virtual environments is proposed, and also a corresponding interactive walkthrough algorithm is given. Geometric simplification within each terrain chunk during preprocessing is performed and then a view-dependent continuous LOD of the whole scene with geomorphing is generated. In the preprocessing phase, it partition the scene in hierarchy and compute continuous hierarchical level of detail for each hierarchical node, then at run-time, the multi-threaded technique is used. The rendering thread uses the hierarchy for coarse global refinement and uses the continuous LODs for fine local refinement. The caching thread predicts the motion of the viewer and prefetches the data that the viewer may see next. It has experiment on this method in developing a demo system for some water area, and the result is satisfied.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2275-2278,2316,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 水利部科技创新基金项目(JJXX2002051)
关键词 交互式漫游 大规模场景 多线程 四叉树 外存调度 interactive walkthrough large-scale terrain multi-threaded quadtree out-of-core processing
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