
以体系结构为中心的构件模型设计 被引量:3

Research on architecture-centric component model design
摘要 分析了构件复用的优势及当前构件开发尚存在的缺陷和不足,阐述了体系结构的概念和集成方式以及构件模型的组织结构、交互原理、实现机制等属性,提出了一个以体系结构为中心建立构件模型的方案。该方案从软件体系结构入手,将系统分解为构件和构件间的交互关系,利用有限状态机表达构件及其交互,从中获得构件接口的需求分析模型,分析接口状态机的状态转移事件寻找构件接口定义,分析参与构件接口交互的类及其属性定义构件内部结构。最后使用构件描述语言对构件模型进行形式化描述,给出了建模的具体过程,设计并实现了一个"打印服务器"构件模型实例。 Component-based software reuse techniques are one of the efficient ways to improve software quality and productivity. Time is witnessing the trend that systems are developed from components rather than scratch. However, there are still some problems in the field of software reuse, especially concern component modeling. An architecture-centric component model design method is presented. Firstly, software architecture concepts and it's integrated are provided, and then different profiles on component like organization, interaction, reality, etc are summarized. The method also imports finite state machine to express component interactive model, then component interface definition is build by analysis state moving, next, component inter-structure is made by class and property description, last, a kind of component description language is used to formalize component model. The modeling approach is presented and the specific process of modeling is illustrated. The validity of the method is proved with an instance "Printer Service".
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2282-2285,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 体系结构 构件 复用 接口 有限状态机 architecture component software reuse interface finite statemachine
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