As a form of narrative fiction, youth narrative has a long tradition. With its unique style and morphology, the 20th Century youth narrative has been given great attention. The 20th Century youth narrative has relations with narrative themes as well as the life attitude. The researchers have paid great attention to the 20th Century youth narrative just because of its unique style and morphology.
The 20th Century youth narrative is special in its preference to feeling and the physical. Fixed internal highlights, first person narrative and monologue discourse are its most important narrative strategies, but departing from these strategies in details, for example, the pseudo-fixed of its narrative perspective, the nihilistic of description author, and the vacuum of value position. It is because of the nihilism of the "self" as the main narrative. Compared with the past youth narrative, the 20th Century youth narrative shows the sharp characteristics of the time as a "refusing growth", and the cultural identity. This is particularly the voice of the 20th Century captured by the writers. In this sense, the 20th Century youth narrative shows its own type of feature, and also the themes of the time, such as the choice and nihilism, the resistance and despair.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
youth narrative
narrative model
description author
narrative discourse