
高g值侵彻过载测试相关技术研究 被引量:9

Study on Correlation the Measurement of Ultra-high g Penetration Overloads
摘要 研究弹体侵彻过载特性具有重要意义,通过试验实测弹体过载,为系统研究过载特性提供可靠依据。目前,高g值侵彻过载测试技术已成为制约该研究的难点。本文介绍一种用于测量高g值侵彻过载的测试系统,并对其关键技术进行了深入研究。根据过载预测值,采用不同密度泡沫铝作为电路模块的缓冲材料可靠地保护了电路的安全,并根据模态分析安装配套支撑筒有效地解决了膛内结构共振问题。这些关键问题的解决保证了高g值侵彻过载测试的成功率。对实测过载时程曲线还进行了系统分析,表明借助高g值侵彻过载测试系统实测的侵彻过载与实际情况吻合得较好。 A projectile's penetration overload is an issue of great significance. Its measurement provides a basis for further studies. This paper studies the correlation of measurement in experiments. The operating principle and the assembly of a measurement system for ultra-high g penetration overloads are discussed. Foamed aluminum was chosen as cushion material for the circuit module against high impact. Support-tube was designed to avoid the system resonant vibration in the bore, which would badly affect the measurement. Thus, the measurement of the ultra-high g penetration overloads is greatly improved. The measured penetration overloads were analyzed in detail.The analyses show that the overload measured by the measurement system agrees with the actual cases.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第9期26-29,共4页 Science & Technology Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10672186)
关键词 侵彻 高g值过载 测试系统 缓冲减振 结构共振 penetration ultra-high g penetration measurement system cushion and damping system vibration
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