
广东省对美、日贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析 被引量:1

Emperical Study on the Relationship between Guangdong Economy Growth and Foreign Trade towards America and Japan
摘要 广东省作为我国改革的前沿阵地,改革开放30年来,经济实力、市场环境得到了大幅提升和改善。目前广东省GDP总额已经占到全国的1/8,多年排名全国第一。在我国出口主导型的经济发展模式下,广东在对外贸易方面更是走在了全国的前列,进出口贸易额对外贸易顺差额均排名全国第一,2007年广东进出口贸易额占全国的30%, The effect from the foreign trade on Guangdong economy growth has been proved, but previous study is based on the relationship between economy growth and total import and export, the structure of trade commodity has been neglected. The situation of foreign trade has come into being in Guangdong that the market is heavily rely on American market and Japan technology, so its necessary to study the relationship between trade towards America and Japan and the conclusion of Guangdong economy growth is drawing through emperical study: export is the main engine for Guangdong economy growth compared with import, but import has significantly improved the economy growth; export towards American and import from Japan have more explanatory ability for the economy growth; import towards Japan rely on import from American.
出处 《东南亚纵横》 CSSCI 2008年第5期82-85,共4页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(受理编号:7300719)资助
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