
试论英国工厂法对女工的保护 被引量:1

The Protection of British Factory Acts for Women Workers
摘要 英国工厂法保护女工是多种综合因素共同作用的结果,从阶级层面看有以下三点:第一,成年男工支持工厂法保护女工;第二,工厂主之间、工厂主与农场主之间的竞争在保护女工中的作用;第三,女工的斗争在工厂法保护自身中的作用。除女工自身外,其他两者支持工厂法保护女工,其主要目的要么是把她们当作为本阶级或阶层谋取利益的工具,要么是把更多的社会责任强加给她们。但是,工厂法对女工的保护客观上还是极大地促进了妇女的解放。 The protection for woman workers by British factory acts resulted from various factors. The result, in the light of class factors, is emerged from the following three reasons: first, the adult male workers supported factory acts protecting woman workers; second, the competition among the mill--owners and the competition between the mill--owners and the farm--lords benefit to protect the woman workers; and third, it is the woman workers who fought for themselves. In addition to the woman workers' struggle for themselves, the support to protect the woman workers by both the other sides either aimed to seek the benefits for themselves, or burden the women more social responsibilities. But, the woman workers' protection from factory acts greatly progresses the women's liberation in objective fields.
作者 王秀毅
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期169-172,共4页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 英国 工厂法 女工 Britain Factory Acts women workers
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