The 17th National Congress of the CPC' s report stresses that "to speed up the estabhshment of technological innovation system, which take enterprises as the main body, market - oriented, combine the production with study and research, and guide and support innovative elements to gather enterprises, and promote scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces." Hebei Province the 7th Congress of the CPC ask us to "persevere in reform and the open policy, independent innovation, to improve competitive power at the core; construct innovative He- bei to add power to the economic and social development; build the technological innovation mechanism which take the interprices as main part, take the market as guide, combine produce with study and research" . However, some interprices spend little on the research and development, some managers have the mistmdersdanding of the techonological innovation, which is the typical shortsighted action. The techonological innovation includes independent innovation, simulate innovation, cooperative innovation. Quicken the technological innovation mechianism and system construction is of great significance to puch the innovative Hebei construction forward and activate the coastal power province of economic and social development at an early date.
Journal of Technical Economics & Management
techonological innovation
independent innovation
simulate innovation
cooperative innovation
competitive power at the core