
语义Web的“语义”与“语义Web”的语义 被引量:2

Meaning of semantic in semantic Web and meaning of semantic Web
摘要 语义是人脑中的概念与外指意义。目前的计算机环境还无法模拟外指意义,界定"语义≈概念"就成为现实可行的选择。语义就是内置于计算机的Ontology中的概念。语义Web是一种抽象的信息集合,其中的信息由URI定位、用XML表示、以多种方式传输。Ontology的重要性体现在概念之间的关联,即从任一个概念出发均可到达若干其它概念及其属性,从而实现语义推理。构建语义Web的基础工作有二:信息的内容全部用"概念"进行标记;计算机内置"概念系统"即Ontology。 The linguistic meaning is the concept and the reference in human brain.As the reference can't be simulated out presently in cyberspace,it is a realistic and feasible choice to admit the definition of the linguistic meaning nearly being the concept.The linguistic meaning is the concepts composing the ontology placed inside computer.The semantic Web is a kind of abstract information set,moreover the information is located by URI,written with XML,and transmitted on some protocols.The importance of the ontology is derived from the relationships of the concepts,that is,some correlative concepts and their attributes can be achieved if only starting from a concept,so that the semantic inference is carried out.The two essential tasks for constructing the semantic Web are to mark the all contents of the information with the concept,and to build the concept system viz.ontology within computer.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第16期23-26,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60672031) 辽宁省自然科学基金(the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province of China under Grant No.20072142)
关键词 语义WEB 语义 概念 本体 外指意义 semantic Web linguistic meaning concept ontology reference
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