
V_2O_3、Al_2O_3添加剂对碳化铁生成的影响 被引量:3

Effect of V_2O_3 and Al_2O_3 Addition on Iron Carbide Formation
摘要 在1 023 K用热重法结合XRD分析,研究了V2O3、Al2O3添加剂对混合气体(H2+CH4)还原铁矿石制备碳化铁的影响。研究表明:V2O3对还原反应和碳化反应均有明显的促进作用,有利于提高碳化铁的生成率和稳定性。当V2O3含量在1%以内时,随着V2O3的增加,铁矿石还原速率逐渐加快,碳化速率也提高,促进效果明显;当V2O3含量高于1%,试样还原速率和碳化速率均比1%时略小。Al2O3对还原和碳化有一定的促进作用,但对碳化铁的稳定性有不利的影响。 Iron carbide was produced by reacting of iron ore with ( H2 + CH4) gas mixture at 1 023 K. The effects of V2O3 and Al2O3 additives on iron carbide formation were experimentally investigated by thermogravimetry and XRD analysis. It was observed that the addition of V203 had significantly promoting effect on both iron ore reduction and iron carbide formation. The V2O3 addition also increased the conversion yields from iron ore to iron carbide, and improved the stability of iron carbide. When the content of the V2O3 was within 1 percent, with the content increasing, the rate of iron ore reduction and carbonization all accelerated notablely. When the content of the V2O3 was 2 or 3 percent, the reduction rate and the carbonization rate of the specimen were both smaller appreciably than that when the V2O3 content was 1 percent. It was also observed that the addition of Al2O3 had promoting effect on reduction of iron ore to some extent, but it has bad effect on the stability of iron carbide.
出处 《钢铁钒钛》 CAS 2008年第2期27-31,共5页 Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50674074)
关键词 铁矿石 碳化铁 添加剂 三氧化二钒 三氧化二铝 iron ore iron carbide additive V2O3 Al2O3
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