目的:研究更年期后女性代谢综合征患者雄激素受体基因(CAG)n重复序列多态性。方法:使用DNA测序方法对150例更年期后健康女性和代谢综合征患者AR基因外显子1 NH2端转录调节区内(CAG)n重复序列长度进行测定。结果:1.健康女性AR基因(CAG)n重复数最短为18,最长为34,平均值为23.34±2.44;2.代谢综合征女性AR基因(CAG)n重复数最短为8,最长为29,重复数平均值为22.29±2.82;3.代谢综合征组(CAG)n重复数与健康女性组之间(CAG)n重复序列多态性有差异(P=0.030)。结论:1.更年期后女性AR基因(CAG)n重复序列长度存在多态性;2.更年期后女性代谢综合征组AR基因外显子INH2转录调节区(CAG)n的重复数小于健康对照组。
Objective: To analyze CAG length polymorphism of androgen receptor gene in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Methods: DNA sequencing of the CAG repeat from which the N-terminal domain of the first exon of the AR gene, were analyzed by applied Biosystems 3730xl DNAAnalyzerl Results: 1. The AR allele length ranged from 18 34 CAG repeat in healthy postmenopausal women. Average of CAG repeat was 23.34 ± 2. 44. But These value were 8 - 29 and 22. 29 ± 2. 82 in the metabolic syndrome group. 2: There was a significant difference between healthy women and metabolic syndrome women after menopause in AR allele CAG repeat length ( P = 0. 030). Conclusion: 1. Androgen receptor gene GAG length showed polymorphism in postmenopausal women. 2. The CAG length was shorter in the metabolic syndrome than that in healthy postmenopausal women.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide