
更年期后女性代谢综合征患者AR基因(CAG)n多态性的研究 被引量:2

Study of AR Gene (CAG)n Repeat Polymorphism in Postmenopausal Women with Metabolic Syndrome
摘要 目的:研究更年期后女性代谢综合征患者雄激素受体基因(CAG)n重复序列多态性。方法:使用DNA测序方法对150例更年期后健康女性和代谢综合征患者AR基因外显子1 NH2端转录调节区内(CAG)n重复序列长度进行测定。结果:1.健康女性AR基因(CAG)n重复数最短为18,最长为34,平均值为23.34±2.44;2.代谢综合征女性AR基因(CAG)n重复数最短为8,最长为29,重复数平均值为22.29±2.82;3.代谢综合征组(CAG)n重复数与健康女性组之间(CAG)n重复序列多态性有差异(P=0.030)。结论:1.更年期后女性AR基因(CAG)n重复序列长度存在多态性;2.更年期后女性代谢综合征组AR基因外显子INH2转录调节区(CAG)n的重复数小于健康对照组。 Objective: To analyze CAG length polymorphism of androgen receptor gene in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Methods: DNA sequencing of the CAG repeat from which the N-terminal domain of the first exon of the AR gene, were analyzed by applied Biosystems 3730xl DNAAnalyzerl Results: 1. The AR allele length ranged from 18 34 CAG repeat in healthy postmenopausal women. Average of CAG repeat was 23.34 ± 2. 44. But These value were 8 - 29 and 22. 29 ± 2. 82 in the metabolic syndrome group. 2: There was a significant difference between healthy women and metabolic syndrome women after menopause in AR allele CAG repeat length ( P = 0. 030). Conclusion: 1. Androgen receptor gene GAG length showed polymorphism in postmenopausal women. 2. The CAG length was shorter in the metabolic syndrome than that in healthy postmenopausal women.
出处 《中国医药导刊》 2008年第2期264-267,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide
关键词 雄激素受体基因 (CAG)n重复序列多态 更年期后女性 代谢综合征 Androgen receptor gene CAG length polymorphism postmenopausal women metabolic syndrome
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